A large U.S. semiconductor manufacturer inquired if Custom Coils could rework an original 200MM high power bell jar assembly, which had undergone multiple PM cycles, and had a number of mechanical defects. These included a leak at the water fitting locations on the cooling cap, at the top of the dome. In addition, several of the ground tabs brazed to the RF coil had broken off. Custom Coils performed a complete evaluation, and provided a risk assessment to our customer. We identified a series of additional problems, including evidence of external arcing on the RF coil, at the base of the assembly. Custom Coils stripped the ceramic dome of all its original components and sent the bare dome out to an authorized Ceramics Cleaning Provider to be reconditioned. This included a grit blast, thorough chemical clean and extensive kiln bake. The sealed surface was machined to the original vacuum seal specification.
The ceramic dome was returned to Custom Coils in near new condition, and reassembled with all new components. The unit was fully tested, and cleaned, per the original OEM specification. The refurbished assembly was reinstalled on a tool and successfully completed its prescribed wafer run cycle. The positive results of this initial experience gave our customer the confidence to implement a program to restore the utility of many domes which had been stored as unusable inventory.
Many companies have accumulated domes with significant mechanical and ceramic problems. With our extensive background and experience, we can rework these domes to a near new condition, allowing the customer to increase the value of its original investment. For more information on this project, see the table below or contact us directly.